Showing posts with label E1935. Show all posts
Showing posts with label E1935. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2019



One or more signals sent from control unit Engine management via the CAN bus is implausible.

Possible cause:

  • Engine management

    Affected functions:

  • CAN Communication
  • Drive position selection


Test 1: Fault in CAN communication with control unit N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit).

  1. Fault in CAN communication with control unit N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit).

    Operation number of operation texts and work units or standard texts and flat rates:27-0641WARNING

    • This is not a function error of control module A80 (Intelligent servo module for DIRECT SELECT) and does not justify replacement.
      Possible cause for the entry of this event code

    • Operational fault of component Engine management Possible measures

    • Read out fault memory of control unit Engine management.
    • Process displayed fault codes in control module Engine management.
      End of test