Showing posts with label Central Locking System - Operational Characteristics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Central Locking System - Operational Characteristics. Show all posts

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Central Locking System - Operational Characteristics

Central Locking System - Operational Characteristics
Date: August 22, 2003
Order No.: T-B-80.35/23
Group: 80
Model 163.154/157/172/174/175
Locking / Unlocking Vehicle with Transmitter Key
For the above models, the following information reflects the functions of the radio remote control for the central locking that have been modified
since the market launch.
Vehicles up to August 31, 2002 Production (all model years up to and including 2002):
^ Pushing the "Unlock" button once unlocks the driver door AND the filler cap.
^ Pushing the "Unlock" button twice unlocks all doors, the tailgate and the filler cap.
Vehicles as of September 1, 2002 Production (model years 2003 and 2004):
As of this production date, the transmitter key can now be used for both "Global" and "Selective" unlocking.
^ When set to "Global", all doors, the tailgate and the fuel filler flap are unlocked by pushing the "Unlock" button once.
^ When set to "Selective", only the driver door and the fuel filler flap are unlocked by pushing the "Unlock" button once. The other doors and the
tailgate are only unlocked if the "Unlock" button is pushed a second time.
The "Global" or "Selective" function is coded in the All-Activity-Module (N10). This setting cannot be altered by the customer and needs to be
2000 Mercedes Benz Truck ML 55 AMG (163.174) V8-5.5L (113.981) 273
Manufacturer default setting for USA models is "Selective".
Vehicles as of September 1, 2003 Production (model year 2004):
If the vehicle is unlocked and only the tailgate is open:
Upon pushing the "Lock" button, the tailgate latch is locked along with the doors. Thus, the entire vehicle is locked after the tailgate is closed.
Therefore, it is no longer necessary to push the "Lock" button a second time after closing the tailgate.
This function can be reverted to the former method of locking the tailgate, used prior to September 1, 2003 via STAR DIAGNOSIS.Technical
Service Bulletin # P-00_45-77 Date: 040217
Interior - Squeaking/Creaking Noise Kit
Date: February 17, 2004
Order No.: P-B-00.45/77
Group: 00
All Passenger Models
Service Kit for Rectifying Squeaking, Creaking and Tearing Noises
Effective immediately, non Mercedes-Benz lubricants or other lubrication aids for repairing squeaking, creaking and tearing noises may not be used
on Mercedes-Benz passenger cars. Only Mercedes-Benz lubricants are permitted for use. These lubricants are specially tested for their suitability
with the interior materials of the vehicle. In the future only the lubricants may be used on Mercedes-Benz passenger cars:
A service kit is available, "Noise Damping Service Kit" A000 580 03 50 ** to ensure the best possible application of these products. The service kit
contains all authorized Mercedes-Benz lubricants as well as an application table for the best method of rectifying squeaking, creaking and tearing
noises. This kit also contains a description of the most common felt materials and their quality, which is the preferred material for rectifying rattling
This service kit is part of the normal workshop equipment and therefore cannot be claimed through the warranty process.
Please observe the following information:
^ These lubricants have been designed exclusively for use in the service area and may only be used at the workshops.
^ These products are not paint compatible. For this reason they are not to be used on painted surfaces or surfaces that are to be painted:
** Parts are in a critical supply situation and will be limited, please see the PAC weekly status report on parts availability status and delivery

expectations. This report is located on the PAC website.