Showing posts with label Mercedes Benz C 300 4MATIC # LI40-15_P-046651 Date: 090924 TPMS System - Tire Pressure Monitor Inop./DTC 5581. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercedes Benz C 300 4MATIC # LI40-15_P-046651 Date: 090924 TPMS System - Tire Pressure Monitor Inop./DTC 5581. Show all posts

Monday, November 20, 2017

Mercedes Benz C 300 4MATIC # LI40-15_P-046651 Date: 090924 TPMS System - Tire Pressure Monitor Inop./DTC 5581

 Mercedes Benz C 300 4MATIC # LI40-15_P-046651 Date: 090924
TPMS System - Tire Pressure Monitor Inop./DTC 5581
Topic Number LI40.15-P-046651
Version 1
Design Group 40.15 Tire pressure/tire pressure monitoring
Date 09-24-2009
Validity Model 171.454/456/458/473
Model 204.054/056/077/081/956/987
Reason for change: Instructions revised foe Xentry/Supersedes DTB S-B-40.15/68
Reason for block
Display Message "Tire pressure Monitor Inoperative" DTC 5581
If you receive customer reports in the above model vehicles of the instrument cluster displaying "Tire Pressure Monitor Inoperative" and there is a
corresponding stored fault code of 5581 (front or rear sensor localization failed), this is because the difference in the signal strength between the
front and rear axle may not be enough for the wheel assignments to be accurately made.
If the DTC is present for three consecutive axle location sequences, then the activation menu on the instrument cluster is no longer present until a
successful axle location occurs. Do Not replace the control unit!
To resolve, gain access to the TPM control module (N88) and the module's wiring harness in the rear of the vehicle. For information on component
location, refer to the WIS documents GF40.15-P-0001RC (171) or GE40.15-P-0001CE (204).
Do not erase or clear any of the fault/event codes until the complete repair instructions have been completed.
Repair Part One - Hardware Modifications
Model 171 (Control unit in right side of trunk
1. Starting 57cm from the connector for the TPMS control unit, separate the ground wire (brown wire - Pin # 2) from the electrical harness then cut
the ground wire.
2. Insulate the terminated ground wire which is not being used.
3. Attach a right terminal, part no. A003 546 85 40, to the 57cm long ground wire which runs to the TPMS control unit.
4. Re-route the harness as shown in Figure 1 and 2 with the harness being run vertically from the TPMS control unit down to the body of the vehicle.
If the routing of the ground wire is not followed as shown or the wrong length is used, the repair will not be effective! Do not route wire as shown in
Figure 3!
5. secure to the ground lug as shown in Figure 2.
6. Proceed to Repair Part Two of procedure.
Model 204 - Not Including 204.956/987 (Control Unit in left side of trunk)
For Models 204.956/987, no ground wire modification is required, proceed to Repair Part Two of procedure.
1. Remove 5A fuse 70 from rear SAM.
2. Separate the ground wire (brown wire - Pin # 2) from the TPM control module (N88) electrical connector then cut and remove the ground from
the TMPS harness at the rear bulkhead (at the rear seat area) and insulate the terminated ground wire which is not being used.
3. Make new ground wire 79cm long using ring terminal, part no A0003 546 85 40, and terminal part no. a016 545 41 26.
4. Install the new ground wire into pin # 2 at the N88 connector and route as shown in Figure 1 with the ground terminating at the cable lug on the
left side quarter panel. (The routing spaces the wire away from the body by following the drain tube).
If the routing of the ground wire is not followed as shown or the wrong length is used, the repair will not be effective!
On vehicles with panoramic roof (Code 413), there is no drain tube installed. remove the rubber plug and install drain tube, part no. A204 639 05 94,
into hole. cut tube length as required securing the ground wire as shown in Figure 4.
5. replace fuse and all panels.
6. Proceed to Repair Part Two.
Part Two - Parameter Optimization via Star Diagnosis (171/204)
1. Set the inflation pressures on the vehicle to at least minimum pressure values (according to the fuel filler door) with the vehicle at ambient
temperatures. Take into account the difference between workshop and the outdoor temperatures and only set the pressures on cold tires which have
normalized to ambient temperatures.
2. Go to the actual fault code while in the TPMS control unit menu.
3. Select "5581 Front or Rear sensor localization was unsuccessful" and press F3.
4. Select "Sensor localization was unsuccessful" and press F3.
5. If there are no other fault codes present for TPMS the parameters in the TPMS control unit will be updated. refer to Figures 5 through 8 for
6. Reactivate the TMPS system, and take the vehicle for a test drive.
The vehicle must have been standing for 30 minutes before test drive. Sensor IDs are only sent at the time they wake up. If the status message in the
instrument cluster "Tire pressure monitor inoperative" is present before this test drive, this is not a fault code and can only be reset with a 15 minute
test drive.
Control unit/Fault code
Work units
Attachment - Figure 1
Attachment - Figure 2 and 3
Attachment - Figure 4
Attachment - Figures 5 to 8