Mercedes Benz Truck Sprinter 2500 Crew (906.733) V6-3.0L DSL Turbo (642.898) Technical Service Bulletin # LI72-10_N-048762 Date: 100201

Body - Front Hinged Door/Holder Noisey/ Broken

Door holder of front hinged door broken / door cannot

be opened or closed / door holder makes noises

Topic number LI72.10-N-048762

Version 1

Design group 72.10 Front door

Date 02-01-2010

Validity Model 906

Reason for change

Reason for block


The door holder of the front hinged door is broken.

The front hinged door cannot be opened or closed. The door holder makes a lot of noise.


The door holder/ door check of the front hinged door is broken at the mounting brackets.


The defective door holder must be replaced with a new door holder.

The door holder can be reinforced with gusset plates to prevent repeat damage.

Proceed as follows:

^ The web dimensions of the gusset plate are approx. 17 x 17 mm (panel thickness: 1-1.5 mm). The square plate must be divided diagonally into

two triangles.

^ In the area of the weld seam, the zinc coating on the door holder must be removed.

^ In addition, the two attachment plates of the door holder must be aligned level with the attachment surface.

^ The gusset plates must be welded on with a tacked seam (see attachment). The component must be checked for welding distortion and realigned

if necessary.

^ The welds must be smoothened.

^ The welded area must be coated with zinc dust paint.

^ Check the mechanical components for ease of movement.

2010 Mercedes Benz Truck Sprinter 2500 Crew (906.733) V6-3.0L DSL Turbo (642.898)

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2010 Mercedes Benz Truck Sprinter 2500 Crew (906.733) V6-3.0L DSL Turbo (642.898)

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2010 Mercedes Benz Truck Sprinter 2500 Crew (906.733) V6-3.0L DSL Turbo (642.898)

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^ The reinforced door holder must be installed as described in WIS.
