Wednesday, September 25, 2019

President Trump. [ Hits And Misses Scorecard Thread ]

President Trump. [ Hits And Misses Scorecard Thread ]

Search across all BimmerPost sites? Include off-topic posts in search results? And it was back during the time when he was losing money hand over fist, but bragging in Art of the Fail, I mean Deal, about how successful he was. Do we have proof he actually paid the bill? Do we have proof he actually paid the bill? Good point. He probably stiffed them just like he has countless others, too. What's the Vegas line on the number of lies at trumps rally? Trump boasted about his administration's energy policies. Facts First: The US was the world's number-one energy producer before Trump took office 鈥?since 2012, under the very president Trump accused of waging the heartless war. Trump suggested the Russian investigation was illegal and criticized the amount of money it had cost. Facts First: There is simply no evidence that the investigation into the Trump campaign's relationship with Russia was illegal. Trump has previously argued that the investigation was illegally launched because there was "no crime." Immediate proof of a crime is not required to make a probe legal, and the probe eventually resulted in the convictions of multiple Trump associates.

Facts First: We do not yet know the total cost of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. 13 million in related Department of Justice expenses over that period. Facts First: Obama has received widespread criticism for not acting more aggressively when he was informed in 2016 of the reported Russian interference, but it is not true that he did "nothing" at all. Obama authorized an extraordinary public statement in October 2016 blaming the hacking on "Russia's senior-most officials," and top administration officials issued multiple warnings to top Russian officials. Trump claimed Democrats had previously voted for a border wall. Facts First: Some Democrats 鈥?notably excluding House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 鈥?voted in 2006 for the Secure Fence Act, which authorized 700 miles of border fencing. But the fencing was different than the Trump campaign proposal the Democrats opposed 10 years later, which was for a giant concrete wall. During the 2016 campaign, Trump himself called the fencing "such a little wall" and "such a nothing wall," making clear that he did not see it as analogous to his plans. Democrats also endorsed border fencing as part of the failed 2013 "Gang of Eight" comprehensive immigration reform bill.

That, however, was part of a compromise package in which undocumented immigrants would be given a path to citizenship 鈥?so Democrats did not go from supporting a standalone fence proposal to opposing that same kind of proposal. Fencing authorized in 2006 did get built. Facts First: Wall construction is not "moving very rapidly:" as of May, zero miles of wall had been erected in places where there had not previously been a barrier. Customs and Border Protection has announced that construction activities of some sort have begun for a 13-mile stretch of wall in Texas's Rio Grande Valley, but no new wall has been built there yet, either. The agency says it has received funding for more than 200 miles of barriers, most of it approved by Congress and some of it from federal funds Trump is attempting to deploy through his declaration of a national emergency. But numerous legal challenges make it unclear how much of this emergency money can actually be spent, and how quickly. It is also unclear how many of these potential miles will be new. Trump suggested the environment has improved under his administration.

Facts First: After a prolonged period of improvement, US air quality is now getting worse, according to the American Lung Association, which has produced an annual data report on the subject for 20 years. Thirty-three thousand emails deleted, think of it. I keep mentioning, you know, there was a lot of corruption on the other side. But you know, the simplest thing: they get a subpoena from the United States Congress and they decide that they're not going to give it. So, Lindsey Graham, they did delete and they acid wash, which is very expensive. Nobody does it. They acid wash those emails, never to be seen again. The people trying to stop our movement are the same Washington insiders who spent their careers rigging the system so your losses will be their gains. You know that. These are the same career politicians who presided over decades of flat wages, the loss of our manufacturing jobs, 60,000 鈥?can you believe that? Sixty thousand. Who would believe that number?

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