Mercedes Benz Truck R 320 BLUETEC Technical S-83_30-74P Date: 090604
A/C - Musty/Moldy Odor Issues
Date: June 4, 2009
Order No.: S-B-83.30/74p
Supersedes: S-B-83.30/74o dated April 29, 2009
Group: 83
Revision History
All Model 164, 171, 203, 204, 209, 211, 215, 216, 219, 220, 221, 230 and 251 Vehicles
Air Conditioning Musty/Moldy Odor Complaints
Under certain environmental conditions, typically in a hot and humid climate, the vehicle may emit a musty/moldy odor from the air conditioning
system. This may be more noticeable when starting the vehicle due to residual condensation on the evaporator and on the interior surface of the
heater box.
If you receive customer reports in the above model vehicles regarding a musty/moldy odor from the air conditioning system, the evaporator should
be cleaned using Mercedes-Benz Contra Sept and the interior using the "ultrasonic atomizer", refer to WIS document AR83.30-P-5556A. For the
best lasting results, follow the instructions provided below.
1. Remove all filters installed in the air conditioning system. The following filter may be fitted: Pollen filter, dust filer, combination filter or active
charcoal filter.
2. Clean evaporator with Mercedes-Benz Contra Sept as per WIS document AR83.30-P-5555T.
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Contra Sept is applied using a spray gun attached to a long probe. It is imperative to have as much of the evaporator sprayed with the cleaner by
moving the probe in / out and up / down inside the case. It may be necessary to bend the probe in order to gain access. The cleaner is applied and
allowed to dry. Refer to Figure 1a for spraying angle recommendation.
After cleaning the evaporator, a second treatment has to be conducted. After completion of section A (ContraSept), refer to section B (Wynns).
Parts Information
The following allowable labor operations should be used when submitting a warranty claim for this repair. This information has been generated on
June 4, 2009. Please refer to Netstar --> Star TekInfo --> Star Time for the most current labor time allowance.
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In Case of Warranty, use the table above.
A. ContraSept Cleaning Procedure
A. ContraSept Cleaning Procedure:
Wear safety glasses and respiratory protection when spraying cleaner.
^ Spray the evaporator in a 90° angle.
^ Move up and down, left and right to reach all areas of the evaporator
^ Do not rotate the probe to reach other areas of the evaporator. This will change the spraying angle and the cleaning effect will diminish.
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Do not exceed the manufacturer's recommended maximum air pressure as stated on the label affixed to the pressure cup (Figure 1b). Excessive air
pressure could cause the canister to explode and potentially cause personal injury. The recommended pressure to clean the evaporator effectively is
To reduce the possibility for this condition to reoccur, advise the owner to operate the blower at a higher speed, especially during humid conditions.
For vehicles with a REST function, it also helps to use this feature during humid conditions when parking the car.
Additional Procedures - Model 203 / 209
1. Equipped with ACC climate system Option Code 580 - It is necessary to drill a 15mm hole in the climate housing to access the evaporator with
the spray probe. The location for drilling the hole is described in WIS document AR83.30-P-5555-01A and Figure 1, A1 and B1.
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2. A white foam block may be mounted to the housing between the blower motor and the main section of the case, see (Figure 2). On these housings,
there is an alternate location of the hole as shown in Figure 1, A2 and B2.
Figure 3 - bend probe as shown
3. Bend the shorter of the two probes (Figure 3). Move the probe up and down as well as side to side to ensure the entire evaporator is sprayed with
the cleaner. Plug hole after cleaning with seal plug A110 987 10 44 64.
4. Using the instructions below check the "REHEAT" setting. It should be set to "Anti-icing". Control Units --> Body --> EIS --> Control unit
adaptations --> Read coding and change if necessary --> Climate control Standard setting: Climate control --> REHEAT mode --> Change From:
"Standard" to: "Anti-icing protection"
5. In case of customer reports that the air conditioning system is emitting a musty/moldy odor from the vents within three months after using the
Mercedes-Benz Contra Sept product as described above, a Biocide coated evaporator entered production as of VIN A731368 and F634900 (203)
and F144091 and T042954 (209). In this case, this part can be installed in earlier vehicles. Be sure to thoroughly clean the inside of the heater box
and make sure the drain tubes are not clogged before reassembling the system.
Additional Procedures - Model 211
1. Using the instructions below check the "REHEAT" setting. It should be set to "Fixed value". Control Units --> Air Conditioning --> C-AAC,
AAC --> Control unit adaptations --> Read coding and change if necessary --> Workshop coding --> Evaporator-Control (REHEAT mode) -->
Change From "Humidity-dependent (SERIES)" To: "Fixed value"
2. In case of customer reports that the air conditioning system is emitting a musty/moldy odor from the vents within three months after using the
Mercedes-Benz Contra Sept product as described above, a new slanted heater box bottom which allows the condensation to drain better and a coated
evaporator entered production as of VIN A675828 and X171590. In this case, these parts can be installed in earlier vehicles. Be sure to thoroughly
clean the inside of the heater box and make sure the drain tubes are not clogged before reassembling the system.
Replacement of the heater box bottom and evaporator on the 211 and replacement of the evaporator on the 203 and 209 can only be claimed if the
Mercedes-Benz Contra Sept treatment has already been performed. Dealers must claim which option was performed in the text of the claim.
Procedure for 164 and 251
Wear safety glasses and respiratory protection when drilling hole and spraying cleaner.
1. Clean the evaporator with MercedesBenz Contra Sept as per WIS document AR83.30-P-5555T and the additional information in this document.
2. To clean the driver side of the evaporator, the spray probe is inserted into the hole for the evaporator temperature sensor as described in WIS
document AR83.30-P-5555T, Step 4.1.
3. To clean the passenger side of the evaporator, the spray probe is inserted into a 15 mm hole that needs to be drilled in the climate housing as
described in Steps 4 through 6.
4. Remove the cover below the instrument panel on the passenger side and fold carpet down. Refer to WIS document AR68.10-P-1520GZ (164) or
AR68.10-P-1520RT (251).
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5. Location of hole is shown in Figures 4 and 5. The hole should be centered in the triangular shaped section of the climate housing as shown in
Figure 5.
6. Drill a 15mm hole in small increments using a mechanical drill stop to limit how far the drill bit penetrates the climate housing. A collar type drill
stop, a piece of rubber hose or tape can be used as the drill stop.
The drill bit cannot be allowed to penetrate the housing more than 13mm or damage to the evaporator could occur. When the drill bit breaks through
the housing it has a tendency to pull inward. This is why a drill stop is necessary.
7. Bending of the probe may be required to be able to spray all parts of the evaporator. Move the probe up and down as well as side to side to ensure
the entire evaporator is sprayed with the cleaner.
8. Follow the remainder of instructions in WIS document AR83.30-P-5555T. Reassemble vehicle in reverse order. Do not replace any filter back
into the system!
Do not exceed the manufacturer's recommended maximum air pressure as stated on the label affixed to the pressure cup (Figure 3). Excessive air
pressure could cause the canister to explode and potentially cause personal injury.
B. Wynns Treatment
B. Wynns Treatment
1. Warm up vehicle with air conditioning switched off for a minimum of 30 minutes in order to dry out the climate housing and ducts. Set the climate
control to the following settings:
Blower speed 2-3
Heat to maximum
Recirculation activated
Air distribution to the footwell
All doors, windows and sliding roof closed
AC compressor does not turn off immediately when the AC Off is selected at the control module. In order to ensure the compressor is off, use the
following instructions:
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Select AC Off
Select Climate System Off
Select Climate System On. The AC compressor will now be off.
2. Remove all filters installed in the climate system. This could include dust, activated charcoal or combination filters.
3. Close the recirculation flap for cleaning using SDS.
For 171, 204, 211, 219, 216, 221, 164 and 251 models follow path: Control Units --> Air Conditioning --> C-AAC, AAC --> Actuations --> Closing
air recirculation flap for cleaning --> Select recirculation.
For 203 and 209 models, follow path: Functions performed by more than one control unit --> Body --> Climate control --> Climate control -->
C-AAC --> Actuations
The system will come out of recirculation when SDS is disconnected from the vehicle.
This menu item is not available in SDS for all vehicles. On these vehicles, recirculation must be manually selected on the control module.
4. Place the Wynn's(R) AIRCOMATIC(TM) Ultrasonic Cleaning System in the passenger footwell. Insert the hose in the luggage net and orient the
end of the hose to insure the output from the device is sucked into the footwell vents.
5. Start engine, AC off, press recirculation button, select lowest blower speed and set the temperature(s) to minimum.
The compressor must not be running.
6. Install one container of Wynn's(R) AIRCO-CLEAN(TW) in the Wynn's system.
7. Plug in the Wynn's system and check that it is running.
8. Close all doors and windows.
9. When the fog stops coming out of the Wynn's(R) system (after approximately 20 minutes), the dispersion process has been completed.
10. When the cleaning procedure is finished, switch engine off, turn off the Wynn's(R) system and leave windows and doors closed for
approximately 1 hour.
11. Open doors and trunk lid/tailgate.
12. Open the air recirculation flap again if the automatic recirculation function has been deactivated by coding, and set the recirculated air function
to "unimited" again.
13. Restart engine, switch on A/C, select the highest blower speed and set the temperature(s) to minimum.
14. Allow system to run for about 10 minutes. The cleaning process is now complete.
15. After cleaning, install new filters.
16. If cleaning the interior does not remedy the complaint, please refer to the following documents: SI83.00-P-0004A and SI83.30-P-0008A.
To reduce the possibility for this condition to reoccur, advise the owner to operate the blower at a higher speed, especially during humid conditions.
For vehicles with a REST function, it also helps to use this feature during humid conditions when parking the car.
A/C - Musty/Moldy Odor Issues
Date: June 4, 2009
Order No.: S-B-83.30/74p
Supersedes: S-B-83.30/74o dated April 29, 2009
Group: 83
Revision History
All Model 164, 171, 203, 204, 209, 211, 215, 216, 219, 220, 221, 230 and 251 Vehicles
Air Conditioning Musty/Moldy Odor Complaints
Under certain environmental conditions, typically in a hot and humid climate, the vehicle may emit a musty/moldy odor from the air conditioning
system. This may be more noticeable when starting the vehicle due to residual condensation on the evaporator and on the interior surface of the
heater box.
If you receive customer reports in the above model vehicles regarding a musty/moldy odor from the air conditioning system, the evaporator should
be cleaned using Mercedes-Benz Contra Sept and the interior using the "ultrasonic atomizer", refer to WIS document AR83.30-P-5556A. For the
best lasting results, follow the instructions provided below.
1. Remove all filters installed in the air conditioning system. The following filter may be fitted: Pollen filter, dust filer, combination filter or active
charcoal filter.
2. Clean evaporator with Mercedes-Benz Contra Sept as per WIS document AR83.30-P-5555T.
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Contra Sept is applied using a spray gun attached to a long probe. It is imperative to have as much of the evaporator sprayed with the cleaner by
moving the probe in / out and up / down inside the case. It may be necessary to bend the probe in order to gain access. The cleaner is applied and
allowed to dry. Refer to Figure 1a for spraying angle recommendation.
After cleaning the evaporator, a second treatment has to be conducted. After completion of section A (ContraSept), refer to section B (Wynns).
Parts Information
The following allowable labor operations should be used when submitting a warranty claim for this repair. This information has been generated on
June 4, 2009. Please refer to Netstar --> Star TekInfo --> Star Time for the most current labor time allowance.
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In Case of Warranty, use the table above.
A. ContraSept Cleaning Procedure
A. ContraSept Cleaning Procedure:
Wear safety glasses and respiratory protection when spraying cleaner.
^ Spray the evaporator in a 90° angle.
^ Move up and down, left and right to reach all areas of the evaporator
^ Do not rotate the probe to reach other areas of the evaporator. This will change the spraying angle and the cleaning effect will diminish.
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Do not exceed the manufacturer's recommended maximum air pressure as stated on the label affixed to the pressure cup (Figure 1b). Excessive air
pressure could cause the canister to explode and potentially cause personal injury. The recommended pressure to clean the evaporator effectively is
To reduce the possibility for this condition to reoccur, advise the owner to operate the blower at a higher speed, especially during humid conditions.
For vehicles with a REST function, it also helps to use this feature during humid conditions when parking the car.
Additional Procedures - Model 203 / 209
1. Equipped with ACC climate system Option Code 580 - It is necessary to drill a 15mm hole in the climate housing to access the evaporator with
the spray probe. The location for drilling the hole is described in WIS document AR83.30-P-5555-01A and Figure 1, A1 and B1.
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2. A white foam block may be mounted to the housing between the blower motor and the main section of the case, see (Figure 2). On these housings,
there is an alternate location of the hole as shown in Figure 1, A2 and B2.
Figure 3 - bend probe as shown
3. Bend the shorter of the two probes (Figure 3). Move the probe up and down as well as side to side to ensure the entire evaporator is sprayed with
the cleaner. Plug hole after cleaning with seal plug A110 987 10 44 64.
4. Using the instructions below check the "REHEAT" setting. It should be set to "Anti-icing". Control Units --> Body --> EIS --> Control unit
adaptations --> Read coding and change if necessary --> Climate control Standard setting: Climate control --> REHEAT mode --> Change From:
"Standard" to: "Anti-icing protection"
5. In case of customer reports that the air conditioning system is emitting a musty/moldy odor from the vents within three months after using the
Mercedes-Benz Contra Sept product as described above, a Biocide coated evaporator entered production as of VIN A731368 and F634900 (203)
and F144091 and T042954 (209). In this case, this part can be installed in earlier vehicles. Be sure to thoroughly clean the inside of the heater box
and make sure the drain tubes are not clogged before reassembling the system.
Additional Procedures - Model 211
1. Using the instructions below check the "REHEAT" setting. It should be set to "Fixed value". Control Units --> Air Conditioning --> C-AAC,
AAC --> Control unit adaptations --> Read coding and change if necessary --> Workshop coding --> Evaporator-Control (REHEAT mode) -->
Change From "Humidity-dependent (SERIES)" To: "Fixed value"
2. In case of customer reports that the air conditioning system is emitting a musty/moldy odor from the vents within three months after using the
Mercedes-Benz Contra Sept product as described above, a new slanted heater box bottom which allows the condensation to drain better and a coated
evaporator entered production as of VIN A675828 and X171590. In this case, these parts can be installed in earlier vehicles. Be sure to thoroughly
clean the inside of the heater box and make sure the drain tubes are not clogged before reassembling the system.
Replacement of the heater box bottom and evaporator on the 211 and replacement of the evaporator on the 203 and 209 can only be claimed if the
Mercedes-Benz Contra Sept treatment has already been performed. Dealers must claim which option was performed in the text of the claim.
Procedure for 164 and 251
Wear safety glasses and respiratory protection when drilling hole and spraying cleaner.
1. Clean the evaporator with MercedesBenz Contra Sept as per WIS document AR83.30-P-5555T and the additional information in this document.
2. To clean the driver side of the evaporator, the spray probe is inserted into the hole for the evaporator temperature sensor as described in WIS
document AR83.30-P-5555T, Step 4.1.
3. To clean the passenger side of the evaporator, the spray probe is inserted into a 15 mm hole that needs to be drilled in the climate housing as
described in Steps 4 through 6.
4. Remove the cover below the instrument panel on the passenger side and fold carpet down. Refer to WIS document AR68.10-P-1520GZ (164) or
AR68.10-P-1520RT (251).
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5. Location of hole is shown in Figures 4 and 5. The hole should be centered in the triangular shaped section of the climate housing as shown in
Figure 5.
6. Drill a 15mm hole in small increments using a mechanical drill stop to limit how far the drill bit penetrates the climate housing. A collar type drill
stop, a piece of rubber hose or tape can be used as the drill stop.
The drill bit cannot be allowed to penetrate the housing more than 13mm or damage to the evaporator could occur. When the drill bit breaks through
the housing it has a tendency to pull inward. This is why a drill stop is necessary.
7. Bending of the probe may be required to be able to spray all parts of the evaporator. Move the probe up and down as well as side to side to ensure
the entire evaporator is sprayed with the cleaner.
8. Follow the remainder of instructions in WIS document AR83.30-P-5555T. Reassemble vehicle in reverse order. Do not replace any filter back
into the system!
Do not exceed the manufacturer's recommended maximum air pressure as stated on the label affixed to the pressure cup (Figure 3). Excessive air
pressure could cause the canister to explode and potentially cause personal injury.
B. Wynns Treatment
B. Wynns Treatment
1. Warm up vehicle with air conditioning switched off for a minimum of 30 minutes in order to dry out the climate housing and ducts. Set the climate
control to the following settings:
Blower speed 2-3
Heat to maximum
Recirculation activated
Air distribution to the footwell
All doors, windows and sliding roof closed
AC compressor does not turn off immediately when the AC Off is selected at the control module. In order to ensure the compressor is off, use the
following instructions:
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Select AC Off
Select Climate System Off
Select Climate System On. The AC compressor will now be off.
2. Remove all filters installed in the climate system. This could include dust, activated charcoal or combination filters.
3. Close the recirculation flap for cleaning using SDS.
For 171, 204, 211, 219, 216, 221, 164 and 251 models follow path: Control Units --> Air Conditioning --> C-AAC, AAC --> Actuations --> Closing
air recirculation flap for cleaning --> Select recirculation.
For 203 and 209 models, follow path: Functions performed by more than one control unit --> Body --> Climate control --> Climate control -->
C-AAC --> Actuations
The system will come out of recirculation when SDS is disconnected from the vehicle.
This menu item is not available in SDS for all vehicles. On these vehicles, recirculation must be manually selected on the control module.
4. Place the Wynn's(R) AIRCOMATIC(TM) Ultrasonic Cleaning System in the passenger footwell. Insert the hose in the luggage net and orient the
end of the hose to insure the output from the device is sucked into the footwell vents.
5. Start engine, AC off, press recirculation button, select lowest blower speed and set the temperature(s) to minimum.
The compressor must not be running.
6. Install one container of Wynn's(R) AIRCO-CLEAN(TW) in the Wynn's system.
7. Plug in the Wynn's system and check that it is running.
8. Close all doors and windows.
9. When the fog stops coming out of the Wynn's(R) system (after approximately 20 minutes), the dispersion process has been completed.
10. When the cleaning procedure is finished, switch engine off, turn off the Wynn's(R) system and leave windows and doors closed for
approximately 1 hour.
11. Open doors and trunk lid/tailgate.
12. Open the air recirculation flap again if the automatic recirculation function has been deactivated by coding, and set the recirculated air function
to "unimited" again.
13. Restart engine, switch on A/C, select the highest blower speed and set the temperature(s) to minimum.
14. Allow system to run for about 10 minutes. The cleaning process is now complete.
15. After cleaning, install new filters.
16. If cleaning the interior does not remedy the complaint, please refer to the following documents: SI83.00-P-0004A and SI83.30-P-0008A.
To reduce the possibility for this condition to reoccur, advise the owner to operate the blower at a higher speed, especially during humid conditions.
For vehicles with a REST function, it also helps to use this feature during humid conditions when parking the car.