Sunday, February 5, 2017

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 4MATIC (204.081) V6-3.0L (272.948) A L L Diagnostic Trouble Codes ( DTC ): P Code Charts P0599

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 4MATIC (204.081) V6-3.0L (272.948)    
A L L  Diagnostic Trouble Codes ( DTC ): P Code Charts P0599
Component Y110 (Three-disk thermostat valve) has a short circuit to positive. (P0599)

Possible cause:
- Y110 (Three-disk thermostat valve) Affected functions:
- Heating - Engine cooling

  Test 1: Check component Y110 (Three-disk thermostat valve).
1. Check component Y110 (Three-disk thermostat valve).
  Test 1.1: Component Y110 (Three-disk thermostat valve) is mechanically damaged or it sticks.
  Test 1.2: Test current consumption of component Y110 (Three-disk thermostat valve).
1.1. Component Y110 (Three-disk thermostat valve) is mechanically damaged or it sticks.
  Test 1.1.1: Y110 (Three-disk thermostat valve) : Coolant temperature is not reached.
  Test 1.1.2: Y110 (Three-disk thermostat valve) : Coolant temperature is too high.
1.1.1. Y110 (Three-disk thermostat valve) : Coolant temperature is not reached. Warning!Communication with ECU required.

1.1.2. Y110 (Three-disk thermostat valve) : Coolant temperature is too high. Warning!Communication with ECU required.

1.2. Test current consumption of component Y110 (Three-disk thermostat valve). Figure legend
- A -ConnectionTest cable 35-pin socket box - 001 -Sockets of component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit) - 05 -35-pin socket box - 050 -126-pin socket box - 108 -Test cable 266 589 01 63 00 - N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit) - II 1-63ConnectionTest cable - III 64-126ConnectionTest cable Warning!
- Connection A of test cable 108 may NOT be connected to connection B of the 126-pin socket box (050). Continue to test with button F2
2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 4MATIC (204.081) V6-3.0L (272.948)       Copyright ? 2013, ALLDATA     10.52SS        Page 2

Test sequence
- Measure direct current with multimeter between sockets [F.4] 100 and [M.54] 54 of the 126-pole socket box tester. - Switch on ignition. Specified value
- Amperage[0.6...1.2] A Question
- Is the measurement value OK?

YES The measurement value is OK.End of test
NO The measurement value is not OK.Possible cause and remedy
- N10/1f57 (Fuse 57) - N10/1kR (Circuit 87 relay, engine) - Check lines from component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit) to component Y110 (Three-disk thermostat valve). - Y110 (Three-disk thermostat valve) End of test