2010 Mercedes Benz Truck Sprinter 3500 Cab (906.153) V6-3.0L DSL Turbo (642.898) Technical Service Bulletin # LI72-16_N-048764 Date: 100218
Body - Sliding Door Cable Track Excess Resistance/Cracked/Noise
Cable track of load compartment sliding door has
excessive resistance/ is cracked/ makes noises
Topic number LI72.16-N-048764
Version 1
Design group 72.16 Sliding doors
Date 02-18-2010
Validity MODEL 906.6## - 906.7##
Reason for change
Reason for block
The load compartment sliding door catches or is difficult to operate.
The cable track of the load compartment sliding door is cracked, resulting in noises.
Dirt from the cargo area (e.g. stones, packaging waste) gets jammed in the movement radius of the cable track, restricting the movement of the cable
track. The cable track can crack.
2010 Mercedes Benz Truck Sprinter 3500 Cab (906.153) V6-3.0L DSL Turbo (642.898)
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2010 Mercedes Benz Truck Sprinter 3500 Cab (906.153) V6-3.0L DSL Turbo (642.898)
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2010 Mercedes Benz Truck Sprinter 3500 Cab (906.153) V6-3.0L DSL Turbo (642.898)
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2010 Mercedes Benz Truck Sprinter 3500 Cab (906.153) V6-3.0L DSL Turbo (642.898)
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2010 Mercedes Benz Truck Sprinter 3500 Cab (906.153) V6-3.0L DSL Turbo (642.898)
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In order to minimize the amount of dirt entering the area of the load compartment sliding door cable track and to avoid damage to the cable track, a
foam section should be glued onto the load compartment sliding door (see attachment). The length of the foam section should be made to fit the
width of the load compartment sliding door.
^ Make sure that all foreign objects under the step are removed (vacuumed out). The cable track must be able to move properly.
^ Dirt and dust can also settle under the film on the floor panel below the cable track (see picture 10 and 11 in attachment). This area must also be
cleaned entirely.
It is not necessary to remove the door for this work!
The cable track must not be greased.
Check the setting of the lower sliding carriage and correct it if necessary.
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