2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 4MATIC (204.081) V6-3.0L (272.948)
A L L Diagnostic Trouble Codes ( DTC ): Manufacturer Code Charts 0438
This fault can be ignored and erased.
Possible cause:
- This fault can be ignored and erased. Affected functions:
- Engine diagnosis
Test 1: This fault can be ignored and erased.
1. This fault can be ignored and erased. Note:This fault can be ignored and erased.
A L L Diagnostic Trouble Codes ( DTC ): Manufacturer Code Charts 0438
This fault can be ignored and erased.
Possible cause:
- This fault can be ignored and erased. Affected functions:
- Engine diagnosis
Test 1: This fault can be ignored and erased.
1. This fault can be ignored and erased. Note:This fault can be ignored and erased.