Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Porsche 930 In Retrospect

The Porsche 930 (pronounced nine thirty) is an internal type number given to this particular 911 model car. In the same way you have the Porsche 964, 993, 996 and the 997, all these numbers are internal (factory) type number given different 911 models. Porsche forever changed the game with introduction of the 930. It was the first 911 homologated for road to use a turbocharger, and was the top of the range model 911 for its entire production. The 930 Porsche also developed a reputation for fast acceleration, and difficult drag and handling, due mainly to its short wheel base and rear engine design. This combined with the power that comes with a turbocharged engine, meant significant turbo lag, thus requiring even more than the usual skills to drive the car at its full potential. The introduction of the Porsche 930 Turbo Carrera in 1976 and 1977 saw Porsche pushing the envelope a little further.

The car was dubbed the Turbo Carrera, it was turbo charged and had a 3.0 liter engine, it went from 0 to 60 in 6.7 seconds (very fast or its time) and cruised to 156 miles per hour. The Porsche 930 Turbo Carrera came with modified suspension, fender flares, and the most distinguishable trademark, the whaletale. The car was in a class by itself. But Porsche would out do itself as the Turbo Carrera was merely a precursor of something more powerful to come. Within 2 years time, the "big kahuna" came on the scene in 1978. This model was developed into a 3.3 liter, turbocharged speed machine that went from 0 to 60 in 4.9 seconds and exceeded 165 mile per hour. The distribution of 930 was eventually ceased in 1979 in the USA, mainly because of changing emission standards. That said you can still acquire one if you so desire, as there are many for sale all over the United States. After a 7 year hiatus, the Porsche Turbo returned in year 1986. There were no major changes to this model, as it was virtually the same as the previous car. It had a 4 speed gearbox and a somewhat unstable rear end. There a few improvements in the 1989 models, which had a 5 speed gear box, 285 horsepower, and a better suspension system along with wider tires and a better braking system. The 930 was finally discontinued in 1989 and was eventually replaced by the Porsche 964 Turbo. The 1989 models were the only models to feature a 5 speed transmission.

Information on the range, oil level and vehicle maintenance can also be accessed. The monitoring and security functions can also be controlled. Users of Smart Home devices from Nest can receive information about their home in the vehicle at any time. The service provides online data of networked smoke alarms and pictures from installed cameras, for example, or permits the temperature at home to be controlled from the vehicle. The Macan can also now be optionally equipped with a smartphone tray. Here, it is not necessary to plug in a cable in order to establish a direction connection between the phone and the external antenna of the vehicle. A connection with the vehicle's external antenna is established as soon as the Bluetooth®-paired smartphone is placed in the centre console tray. This reduces the battery consumption of the smartphone and optimises reception quality. With the Offroad Precision app, Porsche gives Porsche Macan drivers the chance to document, analyse and improve off-road journeys. The "Trip" area functions in the same way as popular running apps for mobile phones. All relevant data is automatically stored when recording is activated: driver, vehicle, route, times, GPS data.

Route and elevation profiles are automatically calculated from this, which can then be viewed on a map later on. At the same time, the journey can be recorded as a video either using a smartphone or an externally controlled action cam. The trips can be shared in social media using the "Sharing" function. In the "Personal progress" app mode, the individual driver performance is rewarded with a bonus system. In a tutorial, the app additionally provides new off-road drivers with detailed basic knowledge on how to drive a Macan off-road. The tutorial also contains an overview of off-road parks. Here, drivers can acquire initial experience in off-road driving in a safe environment. The Offroad Precision app is available for iOS and Android. Porsche has again extended its range of assistance systems for the Macan. More powerful sensors as well as data and image processing allow realisation of new functions. For example, the adaptive cruise control system has been developed into a Traffic Jam Assist function.

Using the radar sensor located in the middle of the central air intake, the adaptive cruise control system monitors the distance from vehicles driving in front and automatically adapts this. Vehicles that cut in from adjacent lanes are also detected. If necessary, the system will brake to a standstill when following a vehicle in front. Thanks to the stop-and-go function, the vehicle is able to independently move off again after braking to a standstill. If the vehicle is stopped for longer than three seconds, it is sufficient to briefly press the accelerator or resume the function with the control stalk in order to let the vehicle move off again. The additional Traffic Jam Assist function extends the stop-and-go function by steering assistance. Using the optimised radar and video sensor systems, the system detects lane markings and vehicles driving ahead in the same lane or adjacent lane in a speed range from zero to 65 km/h.

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