- Inspect lead of voltage supply to control module N118 (Fuel pump control module) if necessary for loose contact, damage and corrosion and
End of test
Replace faulty fuse.End of test
3. No further information available.
The control unit software is missing or faulty.
Test 1: Reprogram control unit N118 (Fuel pump control module).
Test 2: Possible cause:
- Control units - Programming
Affected functions:
- Engine diagnosis
- Fuel system
1. Reprogram control unit N118 (Fuel pump control module).
Test 1.1: Initial startup
1.1. Initial startup
Perform initial startup.
The following procedure will guide you through all steps required to perform a complete initial startup of system Control unit 'Fuel
- The new control unit must have already been installed.
Next step
- Coding
Start process with button F2.
Do you now wish to code control unit N118 (Fuel pump control module) ?Pushbutton F3 : Continue with Coding
Warning!Communication with ECU required.
1.1. No further information available.
2. No further information available.
Local undervoltage of component N118 (Fuel pump control module)
Test 1: Check power supply at control unit N118 (Fuel pump control module).
Test 2: Possible cause:
- N118 (Fuel pump control module)
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