Thursday, April 18, 2019

Disclaimer2010 Land Rover Range Rover Sport (LS) V8-5.0L SC Technical Service Bulletin # TECLTB00396 Date: 111119

Disclaimer2010 Land Rover Range Rover Sport (LS) V8-5.0L SC Technical Service Bulletin # TECLTB00396 Date: 111119

Body - Front/Rear Camera Displays A Green Arc

No. LTB00396NAS1

19 OCT 2011


Front / Rear Camera Displays a Green Arc


LR4 (LA) VIN: AA510742 - BA557707

Model Year: 2010 - 2011

Range Rover Sport (LS) VIN: AA212147 - BA269900

Model Year: 2010 - 2011



On vehicles fitted with the surround camera system, the front / rear camera may display a green arc or the image may be oriented incorrectly / upside

down. This may be caused by a software issue within the Image processing control module.


In the event of a customer concern of the above, refer to the Repair Procedure outlined below to update the Image processing control module and,

only if necessary, calibrate the cameras.


No parts necessary


IDS with latest IDS-DVD and Calibration File; first available on IDS-DVD127_V5.01 Calibration File 82

Land Rover-approved Midtronics Vehicle Power Supply

Refer to Workshop Manual for any required special tools



Repair procedures are under constant review, and therefore times are subject to change; those quoted here must be taken as guidance only. Always

refer to DDW to obtain the latest repair time.

DDW requires the use of causal part numbers. Labor only claims must show the causal part number with a quantity of zero.

2010 Land Rover Range Rover Sport (LS) V8-5.0L SC Page 330




Ensure all ignition "ON" / ignition "OFF" requests are carried out; failure to perform these steps may cause damage to control modules in the



A Land Rover-approved Midtronics Vehicle Power Supply must be connected to the vehicle battery during IDS diagnosis / module programming.

1. Connect the Land Rover-approved Midtronics Vehicle Power Supply to the vehicle battery.

2. Turn ignition ON (engine not running).


IDS must be loaded with IDS-DVD127_V5.01 or later and Calibration File 82 or later.

3. Connect the IDS to the vehicle and begin a new Symptom Driven Diagnostics (SDD) session.

4. Follow the on-screen prompts, allowing SDD to read the VIN and identify the vehicle.

5. From the Session Type selection screen, choose "Diagnosis".

6. Select the Selected Symptoms tab, and then select:

^ Electrical> Driving aids > Camera display

7. Select "continue".

8. Select the Recommendations tab.

9. From the Recommendations tab, select Run (Configure existing module - Image processing control module)

^ Follow all on-screen instructions to complete this task.

10. From the Recommendations tab, select Run (Image processing module cameras - Camera calibration)

^ Follow all on-screen instructions to complete this task.

11. Copy the Local Configuration File (LCF) to the ECU: (Figure 1)

^ Select Execute local config file (LCF) on ECU

^ Select OK.

^ Follow all on-screen instructions to complete this task.

12. Check the camera images displayed on the HLDF:

^ If the images are displayed corrected, continue to step 13.

2010 Land Rover Range Rover Sport (LS) V8-5.0L SC Page 331

^ Only if the images are displayed incorrectly, continue to CALIBRATE THE CAMERAS.

13. Exit the current session.

14. Disconnect the IDS and the Midtronics Vehicle Power Supply from the vehicle.


1. From the Recommendations tab, select Run (Image processing module cameras - Camera calibration).

^ Follow the on-screen instructions.

^ Select the camera(s) requiring calibration from the Camera selection drop-down menu. (Figure 2)


Select "Camera calibration help" for more information.

2. Use the highlighted buttons (1) to calibrate the camera. (Figure 3)

3. Once calibrated, select the Confirm calibration button (2). (Figure 3)

4. If necessary, repeat steps 1-2 for additional cameras (if any) requiring calibration.

5. Once all cameras are calibrated, select OK. (Figure 4)

2010 Land Rover Range Rover Sport (LS) V8-5.0L SC Page 332

^ Follow the on-screen instructions to complete this task.

6. Verify camera display on the HLDF.

7. Exit the current session.

8. Disconnect the IDS and the Midtronics Vehicle Power Supply from the vehicle.

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