Monday, January 28, 2019

Top Gear's Rory Reid Takes A Perfect Road Trip On A Perfect Road

Not to be confused with Top Gear's old perfect road trip.

Car enthusiasts have a very different ideal vacation than what normal people have. Most enjoy going somewhere fun and full of activities like Disney World or Universal Studios. Car enthusiasts instead like to get away from the rest of the world and find a secluded road with tons of bends and hardly anyone in sight. We have compiled some of the best roads in the US, but even we admit that they really can't hold up to Europe's best. Luckily, Top Gear's Rory Reid gets to travel to these amazing roads to show us what we are missing.

The newly refreshed Top Gear may not have gotten off to a flying start, but Rory Reid was one of the highlights. Top Gear's new season will start soon, but it has started an online mini series called "Rory Reid's Road Trips" that will hold us over until then.

Being on Top Gear allows Reid to travel to some of the most amazing locations in the world. His first stop is Furka Pass in Switzerland. This amazing section of road in the Swiss Alps was used in the James Bond movie Goldfinger. Because of the Bond connection, Reid brings an Aston Martin Rapide S for his blast on this astonishing road. Like all Top Gear films, the imagery is spectacular, and the Rapide adds plenty of exhaust music to keep it entertaining. This mini series shows that Reid is really up to the job of being a Top Gear presenter.

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