Friday, August 24, 2018

The Rise and Fall (and hopefully rise again) of a Developing Athlete

It was clear from day one I came into the sport too late and on the back-foot, but I’m still determined to give it a go! My last season at Leander was tough, but I learnt a lot and definitely improved both with my fitness and my technical prowess. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity which Leander provided to me, but with the extremely high standard of new applications I’m going it alone.
I say alone… I’ll have the lovely folks at Henley Rowing Club to keep me company!!
I’ll be following the Leander programme and aiming to spend this season really getting my times down, just in case a spot opens up over the year that I can nab. I am slightly gutted that I don’t get to spend another season in a big squad, as that was really the highlight of training at Leander – being surrounded by other like minded athletes created an excellent support network.
With regards to my blog. My iPad and WIX are not having a harmonious relationship, so a post intended for late July/early Aug only just got posted. I’ve shelved another post to be used at a later date so that my posts going forward are still relevant!
The next few days will probably consist of me feeling sorry for myself, but I’m determined to train myself out of this mental slump. Leander have kindly allowed me to join them for timed pieces and group cycles, so I’m certainly looking forward to those!
Natalie x

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