Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Importance of Clean Sport

Come in, come in. Get comfy. Another instalment is on the way.
Yesterday we had our annual 'Clean Sport 1' talk from British Rowing. If you are successful at trials you do a further session (imaginatively called Clean Sport 2) and although there were groans and grumbles, I found the hour very informative. For as long as I can remember I've been an advocate of clean sport - I simply don't get on well with the idea of cheating. So, understandably, my brain always focuses on performance enhancing drugs and banned supplement. With regards to 'clean sport' its all I really think about.
Although I'm fully aware that some medications contain banned ingredients, it doesn't cross my mind nearly as much as it should. The talk reminded me that I hadn't actually checked my newest medication using Global DRO, it's an extremely easy to use website which allows you to search medications (by brand or ingredients) to make sure they're suitable both in and out of competition. It's important to note you need to select your sport (as different sports have different prohibited lists) and country.
Thankfully, all of my medication is OK. I have a habit of making sure any new GP I get is aware I'm an athlete - which is very important to do! Even if you're a club level rower, just entering domestic regattas, UKAD can turn up and request a sample.
I'm pretty sure everyone remembers the case of Tim Grant testing positive for modafinil back in May 2015, something found in 'study drugs' used to help students stay up/concentrate. Modafinil is not something you can legally buy over the counter, but you can get Adrafinil which metabolises into modafinil so I'm guessing this is what happened. Regardless, as a full time student it was obvious that Grant wasn't using the drug to help his rowing. He finished serving his 2 year ban this June, it was a shame that an athlete with great potential has missed out on the recent victories of Oxford Brookes because of this, but it certainly was a stark reminder to athletes of all levels that we're all subject to anti-doping testing. Something I agree with, as you need integrity along the whole chain to promote a sport based on level playing fields.
Anyway, make sure you keep your knowledge of clean sport up to date as the list of prohibited substances is updated annually! Check out theUKAD website for more info.
Natalie x

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