Saturday, February 25, 2023

The SRS airbags deploy in a side impact when

The SRS airbags deploy in a side impact when
The following SRS airbags will deploy in the event of an impact that exceeds the set threshold level (level of force corresponding to the impact force produced by an approximately 3300 lb. [1500 kg] vehicle colliding with the passenger compartment at a perpendicular angle at an approximate speed of 12 - 18 mph [20 - 30 km/h]): • SRS side airbags • SRS curtain shield airbags ●If the vehicle is involved in a rollover, the following SRS airbags will deploy: • Both left and right SRS curtain shield airbags ■The SRS airbags deploy in an underside impact when ●The following airbags may deploy if the underside of the vehicle collides with a hard object: • SRS front airbags • SRS knee airbags • SRS seat cushion airbags • SRS side airbags • SRS curtain shield airbags ●The following airbags may deploy if the vehicle becomes significantly tilted or is strongly impacted by skidding into a curb, etc.: • SRS seat cushion airbags

The srs side airbags do not generally inflate if the vehicle is involved in a rear collision, if it rolls over, or if it is involved in a low-speed side or lowspeed frontal collision.
Airbags could also fail to deploy if the impact happens in an area of the vehicle that the sensors can’t detect. If your vehicle doesn’t have side airbags and you get hit from the side, then front airbags likely won’t deploy. They also aren’t likely to deploy if your car gets hit from the back, as discussed further below.
Keep reading to find out! When Do Airbags Deploy? Most airbags deploy during an impact that’s equivalent to driving into a rigid wall at 8 to 14 mph (about 13 to 23 km/hr). This threshold is used to determine a “moderate to severe” crash, and any impact that doesn’t meet the manufacturer’s threshold will not trigger them to deploy.
Side airbags have a lower threshold for deployment because they’re installed in areas of the car where impact could make direct contact with the occupant. Airbags can deploy in crashes that occur at as low as 8 mph when you hit a narrow object like a pole or a tree.

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