Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Development Of The Mercedes-Benz A-Class: The Advanced Design Studio In Como/Italy

The Development Of The Mercedes-Benz A-Class: The Advanced Design Studio In Como/Italy

Integrated in the global Mercedes Design network, the designers at the Advanced Design Studio in Como find an inspiring environment for creative thoughts. With its sister studios in Carlsbad (California), Tokyo, Beijing and Sindelfingen, the Advanced Design Studio in Como not only exchanges ideas, but also creative people. Gorden Wagener, Head of Design at Mercedes-Benz, is responsible for all the Studios. A variety of inspirations flow into the concepts for the vehicle interior design - because this is what the Advanced Design Studio in Como has specialised in. Designers can allow their thoughts free rein without immediately having to think of series production. The latter is, of course, the final goal of the ideas and reflections. With the so-called "appreciation model" the designers first implement their ideal conceptions and then look for a way to translate these ideas to series production. This allows for a more consistent and higher-quality result than what would be obtained by upgrading the vehicle interior subsequently. The tasks of the creative professionals in Como are numerous. They carry out normal research, develop drafts and build models - and always look beyond the horizon in order to develop the automobile interior of the future. A certain fine disregard for old conventional rules is desirable in order to find fresh approaches. F800 Style as well as the Concept A-CLASS; all three featured interior appointments from Como. Many unusual details of the Concept A-CLASS take their cue from the realm of aviation. Diverse components were restructured: the instrument panel and the centre console, for instance, consist only of a complex brushed aluminium structure. The result is a transparent, light, bionic forming.

You never know if you are going to get an unexpected low blood sugar, have an unplanned meal or snack be delayed getting back home. So carry the essentials with you - such as in your pocket, purse, or backpack. Low blood sugars should be treated immediately by eating or drinking something with sugar. If you are having a low, you don鈥檛 want to lose time finding something to eat. The delay in treatment could result in the blood sugar becoming dangerously low and cause you to become confused or even pass out. Don鈥檛 forget to bring your mealtime medications along as you might have an unplanned meal or snack. And if you are taking insulin, make sure it doesn鈥檛 get too hot or too cold as you are traveling around or it will lose its strength! If you are not feeling well and have moderate or high ketone levels, this is a medical emergency and you should seek urgent medical care.

It is important to have regular follow up with your diabetes team including your diabetes doctor, eye doctor (ophthalmologist), dentist, and foot doctor (podiatrist). Sign up for Diabetes Classes - it may be one of the most life changing school experiences you will ever have. Diabetes Nurse Educators, Nutritionists and Pharmacists will teach you about diabetes self management strategies, and the principles of nutrition and the different medication options. Ask your medical provider for a list of your medications, including insulin doses - and keep the list with you! If you can鈥檛 remember how much medication or insulin to take you can refer to the list. Also when you visit other medical providers, they will want to see the list. Travelling safely with diabetes is all about having everything you need with you plus back up supplies. Both you and your medical team have a responsibility to ensure that you are driving safely. Find out the regulations in your state and where ever you are travelling.

Discuss target range blood sugar levels for driving with your medical provider. Always keep your blood sugar testing meter and rapidly absorbed carbohydrate or sugar readily available in your vehicle. Remember to check your blood sugar before driving and pull over and check as needed throughout the trip. Check the links below for more information. You can learn from other peoples鈥?mistakes. Here are some ways to avoid common mistakes. Mark your insulin so you clearly know which is long and which is short acting.Some people use a colored tape, rubber band or magic marker to flag the different formulations. You don鈥檛 want to take the short acting insulin thinking it is long acting by mistake - or visa versa. Take your short acting meal time insulin right before eatingAlways eat immediately after taking the short acting insulin. When eating out, wait until the food has arrived at the table to take the insulin. Use separate syringes or pen needles for the long and short acting insulins.The newer analog insulins cannot be mixed.

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