Saturday, June 26, 2021

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 415

- Clean moistened skin with water and soap.

- Change moistened clothing as quickly as possible.

- If fuel gets into your eyes, rinse out your eyes immediately with water and contact a doctor if necessary.

Test 1.1.1: Test actuation of component Y62y2 (Fuel injector cylinder 2).

Test 1.1.2: Test signal voltage of component Y62y2 (Fuel injector cylinder 2).

Test 1.1.3: Check internal resistance of component Y62y2 (Fuel injector cylinder 2).

Test 1.1.4: Inspect component Y62y2 (Fuel injector cylinder 2) for leaks.

Test 1.1.5: Inspect operation and spray pattern of component Y62y2 (Fuel injector cylinder 2).

1.1.1. Test actuation of component Y62y2 (Fuel injector cylinder 2).

Test prerequisite

- Coolant temperature > 80锟斤拷 C

- Engine RUNNING

Warning!Communication with ECU required.

1.1.2. Test signal voltage of component Y62y2 (Fuel injector cylinder 2).

Figure legend

- A -ConnectionTest cable 35-pin socket box

- 001 -Sockets of component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit)

- 05 -35-pin socket box

- 050 -126-pin socket box

- 108 -Test cable 266 589 01 63 00

- N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit)

- II 1-63ConnectionTest cable

- III 64-126ConnectionTest cable


- Connection A of test cable 108 may NOT be connected to connection B of the 126-pin socket box (050).

Continue to test with button F2

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