Friday, January 10, 2020

We Love Ford's, Past, Present And Future

We Love Ford's, Past, Present And Future

The rapidly improved fortunes of the Ford Mustang from 1982 through 1986 mirrored those of Ford Motor Company itself. After teetering on the financial brink, Ford not only roared back to profitability, it became the most profitable outfit in Detroit. By 1987 it was earning more money each year than giant General Motors -- and on only half the sales volume. Critics were baffled, stockholders relieved, the automotive press impressed. The basic look of the redesign for 1987 would last all the way through the 1993 model year. There was no secret to this. Like Chrysler under Lee Iaccoca, Ford under Don Petersen (who moved up to chairman in 1985) became more efficient, closing old factories, modernizing others, slashing overhead, and laying off workers (only to rehire some later). Though such steps were almost always painful, there was no choice in the face of unprecedented foreign competition. But where Chrysler put all its chips on one basic platform, the adaptable K-car, Ford trotted out a slew of new models with much broader sales appeal.

Part of that appeal stemmed from a new aerodynamic styling signature instigated by Jack Telnack. It proved so popular that he was promoted in mid-1987 to replace Don Kopka as design vice-president for the entire company. Telnack's passion for "aero" had a practical side. As he had shown with the '79 Mustang, reducing air drag improves fuel economy. But the key to Mustang's success in these years was performance, not styling. Of course, it helped greatly that an economic recovery took hold in 1982, boosting personal income even as inflation, interest rates, unemployment, and especially gas prices all came down. The 302-cubic-inch (5.0-liter) V-8 gave this generation of Mustang much of its identity and appeal. As we've seen, Ford also helped Mustang's cause with the same sort of relentless refining that Porsche used to keep its Sixties-era 911 sports car so evergreen. This not only involved more power almost every year but also new features and options, plus much improved workmanship. Yet the more things stay the same, the harder they can be to change, to paraphrase an old saw.

Even as it got better and better, Mustang increasingly seemed a relic of Ford's past -- and ever more dated next to newer sporty cars. But sales were on the upswing, and nostalgia was a big factor, even for younger types who had missed "Mustang Mania" in the Sixties. Still, Ford fretted over what would happen to sales should the market suddenly reverse again or if competitors mounted a strong new challenge. With all this, Ford reasoned, a next-generation Mustang ought to appear by 1989 at the latest. In an unthinkable move, Ford originally sent the design duties outside of the country. Keep reading and find out how the Mazda-designed car that became the Ford Probe almost wore a Mustang badge. With Mustang sales once again strong in the mid-1980s, Ford execs wanted to make sure they stayed ahead of any changes in consumer tastes. To keep momentum going, they decided a redesign was in order for the late '80s. As it happened, work toward that car had been underway since early 1982, just as the reborn GT and H.O. V-8 were starting to rekindle the old Mustang excitement.

When word leaked that Mazda was designing a Mustang prototype, fans were horrified. The capable model came to showrooms as the Ford Probe. So just a year into the program, Ford turned to longtime Japanese partner Mazda, whose small-car expertise was at least equal to Ford's own. Dearborn went calling at an opportune time. Mazda was then planning the next version of its front-drive 626 series, which included a coupe, one of Mustang's new-wave rivals. Ford figured to save money and get a better new Mustang by joining in. The result would be two models, each with its own styling identity and sales networks, but sharing basic chassis, running gear, and some inner structure. The idea became even more attractive once Mazda decided to build a plant in Flat Rock, Michigan, near the historic River Rouge factory where Mustangs were made, and to make part of its output available to Ford. It seemed a match made in heaven. Ford would get a new Mustang for far less money than by developing it alone.

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