Saturday, August 31, 2019

Jaguar S-Type (X200) V6-3.0L Technical Service Bulletin # S501-24 Date: 040501

Jaguar S-Type (X200) V6-3.0L Technical Service Bulletin # S501-24 Date: 040501

Body - Window Regulator and Motor






VIN L00001-ON

Window Regulator and Motor - Available Separately - Repair Procedure


The window regulator and regulator motor for 2000 MY-ON S-TYPE vehicles are now serviceable as separate parts.


To install a new front or rear window regulator or new front or rear window regulator motor, follow the relevant workshop procedure for vehicles

within the specified VIN range outlined below.

Note: The manufacturer of the window regulator and window regulator motor recommends that the self-tapping component be used only twice.

Therefore when replacing the window regulator on vehicles from VIN L00600 to M45254, a paint mark must be applied to the motor, and when

replacing the window regulator motor on vehicles from VIN M45255 onwards a paint mark must be applied to the regulator. When installing a new

window regulator or window regulator motor and a paint mark is evident on the opposing component, both components must be replaced.


1. Remove front or rear window regulator and window regulator motor assembly (see Workshop Manual, JTIS CD ROM, section: 501-11, Front,

SRO 86.25.04, Rear SRO 86.25.09).

2. Place front or rear window regulator and window regulator motor assembly flat on a workbench with the motor screw heads facing upwards.

3. Unscrew the three window regulator/motor securing screws.

Note: On vehicles from VIN L00600 to M45254 the screws pass through the holes in the regulator and thread into the motor, on vehicles from

M45255 onwards the screws pass through the holes in the motor and thread into the regulator.

4. On vehicles from VIN L00600 to M45254 only, turn window regulator and window regulator motor assembly over.

Note: It is important to ensure that the motor and cable drum are not allowed to become detached during this operation.

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Caution: On all vehicles, if the motor is being replaced, the cable drum (Illustration 1) should be held lightly in position during and after the

motor removal. In addition, the regulator should not be moved until the new motor has been installed.

5. Carefully remove the motor.

Note: Ensure the cable drum remains within its housing.

6. Reassemble the regulator and motor assembly with a new motor/regulator. Locate the motor onto the regulator ensuring correct orientation and

ensuring the motor spline is engaged with the cable drum spline.

7. On vehicles from VIN L00600 to M45254 only, turn window regulator and window regulator motor assembly over.

Note: It is important to ensure that the motor and cable drum are not allowed to become detached during this operation.

8. On all vehicles, install and tighten the three window regulator motor securing screws to 4.5 ± 1 Nm.

9. If required apply paint mark to relevant component in position shown in relevant illustration.

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10. Install front or rear window regulator and window regulator motor assembly (see Workshop Manual, JTIS CD ROM, section: 501-11, Front,

SRO 86.25.04, Rear SRO 86.25.09).

Global Technical Reference (GTR):

Dealer Access:

Internet access:

Parts Information:

2000 Jaguar S-Type (X200) V6-3.0L Page 248

Note: Please continue to order window regulator motor assemblies until advised by Unipart that assemblies are available as individual parts.

Individual parts will not be released until the stock of window regulator motor assemblies is depleted.

Warranty Information:

Warranty claims should be submitted quoting the information found in the table below. This will result in payment of the stated time and, where

applicable parts/miscellaneous expense codes as listed.

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