Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The toils of being a crew parent

After a couple of weeks of silence in the height of regatta season, I have an interview post with my Dad. Today I am bringing him in to ask him about the toils of being a crew parent. For those of us who love the sport it’s a no brainer: Training six-days-a-week? Sure! Be at the regatta on Sunday at 6:30 AM? No problem! But this crazy regimen also imposes a few things on our parents. So, here is what my dad had to say.

What is the hardest thing about being a crew parent?

“Well, I think there are two things that make it hard. One is seeing how this very demanding sport drains the battery out of you as the season progresses. The other is the driving, we unfortunately live quite far from your boathouse so we spend hours a week in traffic to go back and forth.”

What is the best part of being a crew parent?

“Your mom and I have been amazed by the transformation you’ve gone through as you’ve started in crew. You have become more confident, organized, and you have flourished with all your friends in the team (your girls, as you call them). So even though it is quite demanding for your mom and me, we truly love that you are doing that sport.

Even more amazing is the fact that even though you have literally no free time at all, your grades have improved.”

What advise do you have for new crew parents?

“Brace for impact, because this sport will change your kids’ lives for ever. It will push them to the limit and then some. It will push you to keep up with them. All this in a good way.

Also, try to learn the lingo, because, if you have never been on a boat,  pretty soon you will not understand half of what she says. I had to sign up for adult rowing for a season to better relate to all her comments.

Finally, be on the lookout for signs of burn-out, make sure your kids are getting the necessary sleep hours (at least 8) and are eating nutritious meals. These two alone will go a long way to keep them on the sport for the long run.” 

There you have it, three questions to give a brief but solid picture of what it takes to be a crew parent. What do you think is the thing your parents like the most about you doing crew? Let me know in the comments and don’t forget to follow me @thecox.blog.

Happy Rowing,



The post The toils of being a crew parent appeared first on The Cox Blog.

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