Wednesday, January 2, 2019

You're Less Likely To See A Cadillac In Europe Than A Lamborghini

The 2016 sales numbers speak for themselves.

You’d think a supercar like Lamborghini, would be less common to see than anything from Cadillac. Turns out that’s not the case in Europe, according to last year’s sales figures. GM Inside News did some investigating and the numbers speak for themselves. Lamborghini sold 941 cars in Europe in 2016, whereas Cadillac only moved 761 units in the same period. In fact, 2016 was an overall fantastic year for Lamborghini, selling a grand total of 3,457 cars globally, a 7-percent increase from 2015.

What’s more, 2016 was Lamborghini’s third straight year for record sales. Its best market, not all that surprisingly, was the US, selling a total of 1,250 cars. So basically this is great news for Lamborghini, less so for Cadillac. The American luxury brand has been working to increase its presence in Europe with a fresh lineup that must compete with more established players, specifically Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Or, alternatively, you could look at the situation like this: Seeing or owning a new Cadillac is more special in Europe than a Lamborghini. But we doubt Cadillac HQ sees things that way. It needs to sell more cars, especially in Europe, if it truly wants to compete with the big boys.

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