Tuesday, January 29, 2019

2010 Land Rover LR4 (LA) V6-4.0L Technical Service Bulletin # TECLTB000793 Date: 091023

2010 Land Rover LR4 (LA) V6-4.0L Technical Service Bulletin # TECLTB000793 Date: 091023

Brakes - EPB Lamp ON/DTC's Set/Park Brake Screech Noise

No: LTB00079

Issue: 3

Date: 23 OCT 2009



EPB Module Screech / Noise from Parking Brake / Parking Brake Shoe Drag Diagnostic Procedures

2010 Land Rover LR4 (LA) V6-4.0L Page 111




Vehicles may exhibit one or more of the following issues:

^ A rubbing / squeak noise from the rear / parking brake when the vehicle is moving.

^ Evidence of parking brake shoe-drag (heat build-up / excessive parking brake shoe lining wear).

^ A screech noise when applying or releasing the Electric Parking Brake (EPB) while the vehicle is stationary. The EPB warning lamp may be

illuminated and DTC C1A43-00, C1A53-68 and / or C1A46-62 may be stored.

The parking brake shoes may be corroded, worn, or incorrectly adjusted, causing excessive lining wear and / or noise and heat. If the condition has

been present for a while, the internal components of the EPB Module may have over-traveled and may be jammed.


If the root cause of the parking brake issue is incorrect adjustment related to a previous repair, a Warranty claim may not be made for the repair.


In the event of a customer concern of any of the above, refer to the appropriate Diagnostic Procedures outlined below.


Information only


IDS with latest DVD Patch File; software first available on IDS DVD115 Patch File 4 Midtronics PSC-550 Vehicle Power Supply



Repair procedures are under constant review, and therefore times are subject to change; those quoted here must be taken as guidance only. Always

refer to DDW to obtain the latest repair time.

Rubbing/Squeak Noise From Rear Brakes With Vehicle Moving




The EPB Module must be set into 'Mount Mode'; use IDS with DVD115 Patch File 4 or later.

2010 Land Rover LR4 (LA) V6-4.0L Page 112


A Midtronics PSC-550 Vehicle Power Supply must be connected to the vehicle battery during IDS diagnosis / module programming.

1. Connect the Midtronics PSC-550 Vehicle Power Supply to the vehicle battery.


IDS must be loaded with latest software release DVD Patch File.

2. Connect the IDS to the vehicle and begin a new diagnostic session by entering the correct VIN for the current vehicle.

3. Use IDS to place EPB Module into 'Mount Mode'.

4. Remove EPB 30A fuse 'LINK FL8' from the Battery Junction Box.


Global Technical Reference (GTR) lookup sequence is as follows:

^ GTR Home > NAS > Model > Service Information > Model Year > Workshop Manuals > 2: Chassis > 206: Brake Systems > 206-05: Parking

Brake Actuation

5. Refer to Workshop Manual (GTR) Section 206-05 (70.40.09) to remove the parking brake shoes.

6. Inspect the general condition of the parking brake shoes, springs, and back plate:

^ Look for evidence of brake drag. This may be evident through excessive shoe lining or drum wear. There may also be evidence of heat build-up

on the shoes, drums or other internal components.

^ Ensure shoe hold-down clips are not damaged.

^ Remove any build-up of brake dust from the drum / shoe interface. ('A' - Figure 1)

^ Inspect shoe lining minimum thickness (2.0 mm [0.08 in]).

> If there is evidence of damage due to heat build-up (brake shoe lining separation, significantly discolored discs), replace parking brake shoes,

discs, and / or hold-down clips as a separate claim.


Do not over-compress the hold down clips during installation. Ensure parking brake shoes are held against the back plate.


Use Molyguard GS2039 (SYL500050) to grease the parking brake shoe / back plate platforms. ('B' - Figure 1)

2010 Land Rover LR4 (LA) V6-4.0L Page 113

7. Refer to Workshop Manual (GTR) Section 206-05 (70.40.09) to install the rear brake discs and calipers.

8. Install EPB 30A fuse 'LINK FL8' into the Battery Junction Box.


The parking brake shoe and lining adjustment procedure must be carried out completely. Refer to SSM34964 for video clips of procedure.

9. Refer to Workshop Manual (GTR) Section 206-05: Parking Brake and Actuation (70.40.11) and perform the Parking Brake Shoe and Lining

Adjustment procedure.

Parking Brake Shoe Drag




The EPB Module must be set into 'Mount Mode'; use IDS with DVD115 Patch File 4 or later.


A Midtronics PSC-550 Vehicle Power Supply must be connected to the vehicle battery during IDS diagnosis / module programming.

1. Connect the Midtronics PSC-550 Vehicle Power Supply to the vehicle battery.


IDS must be loaded with latest DVD Patch File.

2. Connect the IDS to the vehicle and begin a new diagnostic session by entering the correct VIN for the current vehicle.

3. Place EPB Module into 'Mount Mode'.

4. Remove EPB 30A fuse 'LINK FL8' from the Battery Junction Box.


Global Technical Reference (GTR) lookup sequence is as follows:

^ GTR Home > NAS > Model > Service Information > Model Year > Workshop Manuals > 2: Chassis > 206: Brake Systems > 206-05: Parking

Brake Actuation

5. Refer to Workshop Manual (GTR) Section 206-05 (70.40.09) to remove the parking brake shoes.

6. Inspect the general condition of the parking brake shoes, springs, and back plate:

2010 Land Rover LR4 (LA) V6-4.0L Page 114

^ Look for evidence of brake drag. This may be evident through excessive shoe lining or drum wear. There may also be evidence of heat build-up

on the shoes, drums or other internal components.

^ Ensure shoe hold-down clips are not damaged.

^ Remove any build-up of brake dust from the drum / shoe interface. ('A' - Figure 1)

^ Inspect shoe lining minimum thickness (2.0 mm [0.08 in]).

> If there is evidence of damage due to heat build-up (brake shoe lining separation, significantly discolored discs), replace parking brake shoes,

brake discs, and / or holddown clips as a separate claim.


Do not over-compress the hold down clips during installation. Ensure parking brake shoes are held against the back plate.


Use Molyguard GS2039 (SYL500050) to grease the parking brake shoe / back plate platforms. ('B' - Figure 1)

7. Inspect parking brake cables:

^ Inspect cable ends for heat damage.

^ Check that the brake cables are correctly attached by releasing the outer cable retaining nuts from the back plates, and pulling on the cables. The

cables should not detach from the brake.

^ Ensure the E-clips are installed to the outer brake cable ends in the correct groove. (Figure 2)

^ Install the outer cable retaining nuts and tighten to 8 Nm (6 lbf. ft).

^ If necessary, replace parking brake cables, without replacing the EPB Module, as a separate claim.

8. Refer to Workshop Manual (GTR) Section 206-05 (70.40.09) to install the rear brake discs and calipers.

9. Install EPB 30A fuse 'LINK FL8' into the Battery Junction Box.


The parking brake shoe and lining adjustment procedure must be carried out completely.

10. Refer to Workshop Manual (GTR) Section 206-05: Parking Brake and Actuation (70.40.11) and perform the Parking Brake Shoe and Lining

Adjustment procedure.

11. Use IDS to clear all DTCs from the EPB Module fault memory.

Verifying EPB Module Operation



The following procedure must be carried out as described.

1. Start engine.

2. Select transmission gear position 'NEUTRAL'.

2010 Land Rover LR4 (LA) V6-4.0L Page 115

3. Select transfer case range 'LOW'.

4. Turn engine 'OFF'.

5. Turn ignition 'ON' (engine 'OFF').

6. Use the EPB switch inside the vehicle to apply and release the EPB three times.


If the repair has been successful there will be no abnormal loud screeching noises coming from the EPB Module while carrying out this operation. If

there are abnormal screeching noises, the EPB Module may have suffered internal damage and may require replacement. Perform the UNJAMMING

THE PARKING BRAKE procedure prior to replacing an EPB Module. Carry out as a separate claim.


If any DTCs have been logged, further investigation is required into possible causes of these DTCs. Refer to the IDS DTC Help Text for further

guidance to investigate any DTCs set as a separate claim. If the repair has been successful the DTCs listed at the start of this bulletin will not have

logged and the EPB red warning lamp will no longer be flashing.

7. Use IDS to check for DTCs in the EPB Module.

^ If DTCs have been logged or abnormal noises are evident, carry out diagnosis as a separate claim.

^ If no DTCs have been logged or abnormal noises evident, exit the current session.

8. Disconnect the IDS and the Midtronics PSC-550 Vehicle Battery Supply.

Screech Noise When Applying Parking Brake




Do not operate a jammed EPB Module. In a jammed condition (screech noise when applied), the EPB Module has a limited life when operated.


A Midtronics PSC-550 Vehicle Power Supply must be connected to the vehicle battery during diagnosis.

1. Connect Midtronics PSC-550 Vehicle Battery Supply to the vehicle battery.


This procedure requires IDS DVD115 Patch File 4 or later loaded.

2. Connect IDS to the vehicle and begin a new diagnostic session, by entering the correct VIN for the current vehicle. Follow the IDS prompts to

read the vehicle configuration.

3. When prompted 'Do you wish to read diagnostic trouble codes?' select 'NO'.

4. Press 'tick' to continue.

5. When the 'Content Model' is displayed select 'Vehicle Configuration' tab.

6. Select 'Set-up and Configuration' from the menu.

7. Press 'tick' to continue.

8. Select 'Parking Brake' from the drop-down menu.

9. Select 'Parking Brake Unjam Procedure' from the menu.

10. Press 'tick' to continue.

11. Follow all on-screen instructions to complete this task.

^ If the task completes successfully, the parking brake cables will drive out to the 'mount' position, unjamming the Module.

2010 Land Rover LR4 (LA) V6-4.0L Page 116

12. Exit the current session when the task is completed successfully.



Perform the Electric EPB Module Functionality Test to determine whether the EPB Module is serviceable or jammed / damaged beyond repair.

1. On both rear brakes (discs still in place), wind the brake adjusters out as far as they will go in order to 'lock' the parking brake shoes against the

brake drum when rotating the drums forward. (Figure 3)


The following procedure must be carried out as described.

2. Start engine.

3. Select transmission gear position 'NEUTRAL'.

4. Select transfer case range 'LOW'.

5. Use the EPB switch inside the vehicle to apply the EPB.

6. With an assistant, listen for:

^ EPB motor operation / running

^ 'Screech' noise from EPB module

7. Apply the service brake.

8. Use the EPB switch inside the vehicle to release the EPB.

9. Use the EPB switch inside the vehicle to apply the EPB.

10. With an assistant, listen for:

^ EPB motor operation / running

^ Screech noise from EPB Module

11. If the EPB Module made a screech noise on the second or both applications, the Module is potentially jammed.

^ Perform the 'Unjamming the Electric Parking Brake' procedure two more times.

2010 Land Rover LR4 (LA) V6-4.0L Page 117

^ If the screech noise is still evident after performing the procedure the two additional times, replace the EPB Module as a separate claim.

12. If the EPB Module motor could not be heard running or no screech noise is evident when applying the EPB, check the EPB 'Brake Force Sensor'

output using IDS Data Logger:

^ Select the 'Content Model' icon

^ Select '206-00 Braking System'

^ Select the 'Data Logger' icon

^ Select 'Brake Force Sensor'

^ Add to Data Logger

^ Run Data Logger and read 'Brake Force Sensor' output (follow on-screen prompts).

> The reading should be greater than 1,000 N (parking brake applied, transfer case in 'LOW' range).

^ Exit Data Logger.

> If the 'Brake Force Sensor' output is greater than 1,000 N then the EPB Module is in correct working order.

> If the 'Brake Force Sensor' output is lower than 1,000 N, the EPB Module should be replaced as a separate claim.

13. If the EPB Module motor did not run when applying the EPB, use IDS to check for DTCs, verify EPB Module power supply; repair as necessary

as a separate claim.

> When the fault is found and repaired, verify EPB Module operation as above.

14. Apply the service brake.

15. Use the EPB switch inside the vehicle to release the EPB.

16. Back the brake adjusters off.



The EPB Module must be set into 'Mount Mode'; use IDS with DVD115 Patch File 4 or later.


A Midtronics PSC-550 Vehicle Power Supply must be connected to the vehicle battery during IDS diagnosis / module programming.

1. Connect the Midtronics PSC-550 Vehicle Power Supply to the vehicle battery.


IDS must be loaded with latest DVD Patch File.

2. Connect the IDS to the vehicle and begin a new diagnostic session by entering the correct VIN for the current vehicle.

3. Place EPB Module into 'Mount Mode'.

4. Remove EPB 30A fuse 'LINK FL8' from the Battery Junction Box.


Global Technical Reference (GTR) lookup sequence is as follows:

^ GTR Home > NAS > Model > Service Information > Model Year > Workshop Manuals > 2: Chassis > 206: Brake Systems > 206-05: Parking

Brake Actuation

5. Refer to Workshop Manual (GTR) Section 206-05 (70.40.09) to remove the parking brake shoes.

2010 Land Rover LR4 (LA) V6-4.0L Page 118

6. Inspect the general condition of the parking brake shoes, springs, and back plate:

^ Look for evidence of brake drag. This may be evident through excessive shoe lining or drum wear. There may also be evidence of heat build-up

on the shoes, drums or other internal components.

^ Ensure shoe hold-down clips are not damaged.

^ Remove any build-up of brake dust from the drum / shoe interface. ('A' - Figure 1)

^ Inspect shoe lining minimum thickness (2.0 mm [0.08 in]).

> If there is evidence of excessive heat build-up (brake shoe lining separation, significantly discolored discs), replace parking brake shoes, brake

discs, and / or hold-down clips as a separate claim.


Do not over-compress the hold down clips during installation. Ensure parking brake shoes are held against the back plate.


Use Molyguard GS2039 (SYL500050) to grease the parking brake shoe / back plate platforms. ('B' - Figure 1)

7. Inspect parking brake cables:

^ Inspect cable ends for heat damage.

^ Check that the brake cables are correctly attached by releasing the outer cable retaining nuts from the back plates, and pulling on the cables. The

cables should not detach from the brake.

^ Ensure the E-clips are installed to the outer brake cable ends in the correct groove. (Figure 2)

^ Install the outer cable retaining nuts and tighten to 8 Nm (6 lbf. ft).

> If necessary, replace parking brake cables, without replacing the EPB Module, as a separate claim.

2010 Land Rover LR4 (LA) V6-4.0L Page 119

8. Refer to Workshop Manual (GTR) Section 206-05 (70.40.09) to install the rear brake discs and calipers.

9. Install EPB 30A fuse 'LINK FL8' into the Battery Junction Box.


The parking brake shoe and lining adjustment procedure must be carried out completely.

10. Refer to Workshop Manual (GTR) Section 206-05: Parking Brake and Actuation (70.40.11) and perform the Parking Brake Shoe and Lining

Adjustment procedure.

11. Use IDS to clear all DTCs from the EPB Module fault memory.



The following procedure must be carried out as described.

12. Start engine.

13. Select transmission gear position 'NEUTRAL'.

14. Select transfer case range 'LOW'.

15. Turn engine 'OFF'.

16. Turn ignition 'ON' (engine 'OFF').

17. Use the EPB switch inside the vehicle to apply and release the EPB three times.


If the repair has been successful there will be no abnormal loud screeching noises coming from the EPB Module while carrying out this operation. If

there are abnormal screeching noises, the EPB Module may have suffered internal damage and may require replacement. Perform the UNJAMMING

THE PARKING BRAKE procedure prior to replacing an EPB Module. Carry out as a separate claim.


If any DTCs have been logged, further investigation is required into possible causes of these DTCs. Refer to the IDS DTC Help Text for further

guidance to investigate any DTCs set as a separate claim. If the repair has been successful the DTCs listed at the start of this bulletin will not have

logged and the EPB red warning lamp will no longer be flashing.

18. Use IDS to check for DTCs in the EPB Module.

^ If DTCs have been logged or abnormal noises are evident, carry out necessary diagnosis / repair as a separate claim.

^ If no DTCs have been logged or abnormal noises evident, exit the current session.

19. Disconnect the IDS and the Midtronics PSC-550 Vehicle Battery Supply.

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