PartsTechnical Service Bulletin # S-54_10-255 Date: 120703 Battery - Battery Charging Information

Mercedes-Benz Mercedes Benz OEM Parts Mercedes Benz OE Replacement PartsTechnical Service Bulletin # S-54_10-255 Date: 120703
Battery - Battery Charging Information
Date: July 3, 2012
Order No.: S-B-54. 10/255
Group: 54
MY-All, All Models Charge Battery
Correct charging of the on-board electrical system battery, starter battery, and buffer battery helps to ensure that the vehicle continues to start,
functions properly, and has optimal battery life. Therefore please remember that all batteries >/= 12 Ah must be charged in the way described in
The battery charging period depends on the charge level of the battery.
The battery must be charged using an approved charger (see SSEP catalogue located under "MB Equipment" menu of STAR TekInfo).
The battery is sufficiently charged when the charging current reading is < 25 A.