Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Henley Town & Visitors

Henley T&V is an absolute corker of a regatta to end a season on. I raced Band 2 W.1x, wearing my trusty old Henley RC colours. It was a very lovely day (scorchio!) which always makes things 10x better, we were hit with some pretty naff wind which churned up the course so my first heat consisted of some of the worst sculling I’ve ever done - yet I still managed to claim a victory.
Im unsure if someone had scratched, but the race order for both my races was very different to the timetable I was working off! Instead of facing Cambridge LWT I was racing Falcon RC, which normally would be a stressful change but the marshalling team are so relaxed at this event that it wasn’t an issue.
The final was actually very exciting. The first 500m was quite tight between all three of us but with a squeeze I pulled away and took the final by several lengths - it was great fun!
The celebrations started pretty soon after the win and continued far into the night! Honestly I hadn’t lent loose in so long it was great - Everyone needs to let their hair down once in a while! I hadn’t even gone too wild over HRR!
I hugely recommend Henley Town & Visitors to anyone wanting to have a super fun, relaxing race (plus they have great pots!!)

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