I love Reddit. It actually took a long time for me to jump onto the Reddit train, but now I’m on it there’s no stopping me. My primary haunts are r/loseit (I’m still fat) and r/rowing (obviously), but I do also venture onto r/aaaawww (puppies!) and r/writingprompts. I enjoy the ‘shitposting’ and the memes of the rowing subreddit and also enjoy peering into the minds of predominantly American rowers – a breed which I think are quite different from their British counterparts.
I rarely post, as I enjoy just skulking my way through topics and reading the entertaining conversations (which revolve predominantly around Mike Teti and butter), but recently I’ve found myself replying on r/Loseit waaaaaay more than I usually do. That’s only because there’s been a bike spike in exercise related posts, but it has opened my eyes to the fitness community.
Sometimes I feel like I don’t belong on r/loseit. Although I have 5+KG I want to drop, I’m very different to the average poster. I’m not overweight. I’m not unfit (not that a huge percentage of the sub reddit are) and I’m not doing any interesting fad like keto or intermittent fasting (two popular topics). However, I do find it interesting to read their disgruntled views of the fitness community. Many redditors on loseit are trying to get fit along with losing weight, and it’s no surprise to me that generic fitness advice doesn’t suit everyone on the subreddit.
You'll notice I can't do complicated lifts and lift heavy at the same time...each to their own!
The huge craze of ‘LIFT HEAVY’ in the fitness commu nity has filtered into the weight loss community, and the frustrations that come with it are ever present. I have advised lots of my friends on fitness plans. They change depending on multiple factors: how fit they currently are, what their targets are, if they have an ideal body shape. You can’t just tell everyone to squat, bench press, dead lift and bench pull heavy 4 times a week and expect them to be happy. Aint gunna happen.
Then you sidle over to r/rowing and the answer to every question (I say everyone question…most questions on the subreddit revolve around a faster 2k) is MORE STEADY STATE. Which. Yeah. OK, I mean SS is really handy but if you can’t sprint you can’t do a 2k so…it ain’t the be all and end all.
This all in one is no longer pink and that upsets me...
There was not too much point to this post. But I just find Reddit a strangely amusing place. I still love stalking, but it has got to the point where I read a topic title and can guess what the top comment will be (humans beings are if nothing else, predictable!). Any of you enjoy the wonderful world of reddit? Or do you think it should be thrown in the bin alongside other online venting outlets.
I’d love to know your opinion!
Natalie X
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